Born, raised and still living in Richmond, Virginia, Donna
discovered a love of reading at an early age. Combing
through her Grandma Stone’s massive bookcase, she
eagerly devoured such works as THE HARDY BOYS and
NANCY DREW. Once she reached an age deemed
appropriate, she was allowed to read the hallowed
romance collection.
Donna soon turned her hand to writing. In high school,
many of her works were published in the school’s literary
magazine. Prose, poetry, no genre was off limits to her
fertile imagination. In testament to her wide-ranging
abilities, she graduated third in her class of 450.She met her husband, a county police officer, while
volunteering at Lakeside Rescue Squad.
After seeing her sons graduate, she focused on her writing career and joined the Virginia Romance Writers, serving as secretary and the HOLT Medallion contest coordinator. She has attended numerous workshops, including Deb Dixon's "Goals, Motivation, and Conflict," Margie Lawson's "Empowering Character Emotion," and Donald Maass' "Writing the Breakout Novel.
Donna’s favorite reads include characters overcoming life’s challenges, the importance of family, and the power of love to help us succeed. She tries to include those elements in her own works, and hopes her readers will come back for more.